POOCHES IN THE PARK - Bring Your Furry Friend to a Fundraiser for Trooper
For those of you who don't know - there is a very special golden retriever who is calling the Maple Ridge SPCA home. His name is Trooper - and he is the miracle dog. Trooper had been starved, nearly to death by his previous owner. He came to the SPCA weighing only 11 kilograms. (far less than the 30 to 34 kilograms he should have weighed) Trooper's story has touched many across the country - the struggle he endured is reality for a large number of dogs locally, and abroad. It's time for us to give back to our furry friends who can't speak for themselves.
To learn more about Trooper, please visit the Facebook page. (Click Here)
As well, please take the time to sign the petition to have his previous owner charged with Animal Cruelty. (Click Here)
I've decided to put together a photo fundraiser for Trooper, and the Maple Ridge SPCA.
I invite everyone to book a session for their favourite furry friend on Sunday, March 28th 2010.
The session will be held at - Jerry Sulina Park (Which is now an off-leash park!)
It is located at the corner of 132 Avenue and 210 Street in Maple Ridge.
(Click here to see map )
For a minimum donation of $30 you will receive a 15 minute photo session for you and your pooch. You will receive the best 5 high resolution digital images via email after the session is completed. You are free to print, and share these with your friends and family. Every single dollar will go to the BC SPCA.
This event will be weather permitting - if it's raining we will reschedule for April 10th 2010.
Sessions are first come first served, and NEED TO BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE.
To book your time please email me at carol-ann@carol-annphotography.com
(I am at a conference the next few days so email is the best method of contacting me)
Donations can be made in cash or cheque.
The schedule will be as follows:
10am - ****booked****
10:15am – ****booked****
10:30 am - ****booked****
10:45 am - ****booked****
11:00 am - ****booked****
11:15am - ****booked****
11:30 am - ****booked****
11:45 am - ****booked****
12:00 pm - ****booked****
12:15pm - ****booked****
12:30 pm – ****break****
12:45 pm – ****break****
1:00 pm - ****booked****
1:15pm - ****booked****
1:30 pm - ****booked****
1:45 pm -****booked****
2:00 pm - ****booked****
2:15pm - ****booked****
2:30 pm - ****booked****
2:45 pm - ****booked****
3:00 pm - ****booked****
3:15pm - ****booked****
3:30 pm – ****break****
3:45 pm –****break****
4:00 pm -****booked****
4:15pm - ****booked****
4:30 pm - ****booked****
4:45 pm - ****booked****
5:00 pm - ****booked****
5:15pm - ****booked****
5:30 pm - ****booked****
5:45 pm – ****booked****
6:00 pm – ****booked****
6:15 pm – ****booked****
6:30 pm – ****booked****
6:45 pm – ****booked****
7:00 pm – ****booked****
To view a few photos taken at Jerry Sulina park please visit Paisley's Dog Blog at http://paisleydog.blogspot.com/
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